Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado otherwise known as the Southwest United States, Fountain Valley School of Colorado offers a college-preparatory, boarding and day school program for motivated students within a close knit and supportive community. At Fountain Valley School of Colorado, you will discover an educational community that is both traditional and progressive, that takes full advantage of its location in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and yet embraces a global perspective.
Fountain Valley offers an Interim program which offers a week of experiential learning every March. Examples of Interim classes include: Yellowstone National Park: Wildlife & Winter Ecology, Morocco: Pan-African Identity Through French Language Immersion, Alaska, the Final Frontier: Animals, Ice, and People, Kayaking Florida's Greatest Rivers, Swamps and Springs, among many more. Fountain Valley School offers a Global Scholars Diploma program for students to take advantage of. Fountain Valley's Chapter One program ensures that student's first year at Fountain Valley is starting a successful academic career and encourages positive personal growth.