The Delphian School is an elementary, middle, and upper boarding and day school located in Sheridan, Oregon. Delphian’s beautiful campus has often been described to mimic the historic charm of the fictional Hogwarts campus. Delphian prides itself on teaching methods such as study tech, where students learn how to learn, and understands how the learning process works so students can take genuine control over their education and futures. Delphian also avoids grade levels, instead using forms where students of similar learning abilities are in the same classrooms, but studying lessons at their own personalized rate. Outside of the classroom Delphian students plan activities for all students to feel included and have a familiar and safe place to feel at home at. Each student is required to hold positions of responsibility on their respective student councils as part of their academic programs. On the weekends, students are welcome to travel to surrounding cities, spend time with friends in the recreation room or gym, study, or relax in their dorms.